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Writer Buddy presents Monthly Prompts

Writer's picture: JennJenn

See all monthly prompts hosted by Writing Buddy Discord Server here.

You could participate in our monthly prompts and join the Live-Reading event at the end of the month. All you need is to join the server. Click this link and undergo a brief interview (just so we can avoid the bots and spammers coming in).

All the entries that can't be viewed means the author didn't want it published in the website.

Current Active prompt


Past Prompts


Grey - Falling Fate

Jay - September final sad

Jessi Tayylor - The Chatty Stranger

K. Ory Nix - Heavy Rain and Old Bones (poem)

N.E. Frost - The Leviathan


Elena Espinoza - Love is like jetlag

Jay - Final July prompt complete

Richard T.D. - The beast in the beauty

June 2024 prompt: "All we need for this plan to work is some rope, five dandelions, and that cursed bucket."


Devon - June prompt

Jay - Final June prompt story

Judy - The Chronicles of Jess and Lysandra

Jessi Tayylor - Alex and the Bucket

May 2024: Simply roll the dice four times and let fate decide what you're next prompt will be.


Devon - May prompty prompt

Grey - Silver Scars

K. O'Connor - Prompt

K. Ory Nix - My Sins

Ann Quinn - Prompt

Xiomara - Prompt May

BBB - The Old Bachelor

Richard T.D. - A Thousand and One Nights

Del Hargraves - Little Lena Baeker

April 2024: Roll the dice! (Location, Object, Character Inspo)


Ann Quinn - Underwater, Pen, OC

BBB - April

K. Ory Nix - The Dark Hole

N.E. Frost - The Girl with dragon dreams

Seb - Truth of the Sea

Xiomarra - Bad Liar

March 2024: -Kidnap- Borrow your character day!


Ann Quinn - Borrow character Prompt

Del Hargraves - Kidnap Characters Day!

Grey - Kidnap your characters prompttttt

K. O'Connor - Daddy K

S.D. Beck - Ash the mastermind

February 2024: Love Prompt


Ann Quinn - Prompt 2

Del Hargrave - Love, not creepy

Grey - Prompt 2

Jessi Tayylor - Free Dinner

Judy - Just a Girl in Love

K. O'Connor - Wholesome Cul- Agent at your service

N.E. Frost - The Love Letter

Richard T.D. - The Blossom in the cold of winter

S.D. Beck - For you Siha (poem)

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