It's too early to say, but what's up with Stefan Salvatore's arcs in Vampire Diaries?Before you say anything, let me clarify that I've watched until Season 5, Episode 2 of Vampire Diaries but I can't not say something about this.
I don't think there's a way to non-spoiler this because I have to go into detail with what I am about to say.
Too early to say but what's up with Stefan Salvatore's arcs in Vampire Diaries?

Stefan Salvatore is the first to meet Elena (or so I thought) and also became Elena's boyfriend until Klaus did this relationship dirty. Or did he?
Stefan condemning Damon
He and Elena are sweet and all. It's nice to know that he is not enjoying the blood of other people (drinking from their neck or wrist or killing them) but instead feeds on animals. A healthy diet for a vampire, eh? But that was until I discover that he was the one who forced Damon to drink blood the first time they turned. So why was he condemning Damon for being what he is?
Not to mention, Stefan actually has a "Ripper" reputation (yes, I said it in Klaus' voice). For him to act like he is any better than Damon just because he moved to his bunny diet, doesn't mean he can condemn Damon for being the selfish brother he became. If anything, shouldn't he be able to understand Damon's need, his desire and why he finds it fun or amusing.
Stefan's treatment to Katherine
It's hard to believe that Katherine Pierce had no contribution to Stefan's interest in Elena Gilbert. Between the brothers, there was more times that Katherine and Stefan had a thing together and even if the show is trying to justify this as "Katherine compelled Stefan, so he doesn't truly love Katherine" is a load of dung.
Because if that were true, why would Stefan have a photo of Katherine in the first place? Why did he keep it even? If he doesn't love her, he probably hates her if she compelled him. And hates her even more for turning him. But no. He kept the photo. And somehow he was attracted to Katherine's doppelganger (aka Elena Gilbert). Elena looked exactly like the woman who compelled him and turned him into a vampire. If he had no feelings in the first place-- why, O why-- why in the world would he fall in love the very reminder of Katherine Pierce? Unless he has feelings for Katherine in the first place.
For him to again say things to Damon for still being in love with Katherine, it doesn't seem like Stefan has moved on either. Sure, Elena and Katherine are different people. But how did they meet? Their romance started because she was Katherine's doppelganger. If Elena Gilbert looked different, would Stefan even pay her any attention? I doubt.
(Damon has flaws, but this is about Stefan. So I'm only mentioning things related to Stefan.)
So again, why was Stefan acting like he didn't have feelings for Katherine?
Stefan is a terrible ex-boyfriend
Honestly, he is a horrible ex-boyfriend. Seeing how he's treating Katherine now because he has Elena. And seeing how he treated Rebekah just because he's with Elena now. It's as if he didn't fall in love with them before, and as if he wasn't a bad person either-- which is why he met these ladies in the first place. Or why Rebekah was interested in him in the first place.
Sure, this is how he shows his loyalty to Elena, but dude, you are stone-cold and ashamed of your past. At least Katherine and Rebekah aren't hypocrites and are proud of who they are. And at least Rebekah, despite the evident struggle to adjust, admitted to herself and others (Matt probably) that she's not a good human being but she's trying. Stefan on the other hand, St. Stefan thinks he's so perfect just because he has a bunny diet and abandoned being a Ripper and that magically erases his past. (And as if Elena's love somehow magically erases all that horrible track record).
Stefan's tantrums when Damon and Elena happened
Okay here me out on this one. But when Elena kept choosing Stefan, Damon took it like a champ. (Like okay, he drinks, he compels himself a girlfriend) but it's not the same as Stefan trying to give Elena the cold shoulder and having revenge-s with Rebekah.
Elena chose him more times than she ever did with Damon (as far as I've watched). Damon has been supportive even if he was a jerk and a "villain" or the bad brother. His reaction is such a childish one compared to how Damon took the rejection letter every single time Elena turns him down, every time Elena says "it's always going to be Stefan". Get a life, hypocrite.
Stefan broke up with Elena first
Damon has done bad things to him, yes. Sure. But Stefan and Elena's relationship shattering wasn't Damon's fault. Stefan was the one who was pushing Elena away even after they saved him from Klaus.
He even killed Andie (the reporter), which should have been Damon's new focus and not Elena. But hey, Stefan had to show he's gone "dark". Sure.
If anything, Stefan did that to himself. It was only a matter of time before Elena sees the difference between the brothers anyways. Even without the sire bond affecting her feelings.
Stefan's arcs are... questionable. I wouldn't say bad, maybe I disliked it, but some obviously enjoyed it still. So I'd say it's questionable. I personally don't ship Damon and Elena too. She should stick with Stefan because they are both questionable characters lol... but again, this blog is about Stefan.